Constant pressure in my head? House Dust Mite allergy? - dust mite allergy symptoms
I'm 19 and I had problems with allergic symptoms during the entire year, I suffered from hay fever when I was small, but not until now, only occasionally during the summer.
First, it started waking every morning with a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes and ears Flem in my mouth, I've constantly earache, ear pressure, sinus pressure or pain, red eyes, pain in the face with headache, dizziness, sore throat and a little pain in the neck, if my ears are closed.
But theres one thing thats bothering me, the constant pressure or pain in my head!
I have in the back of my head, my head, the sides of my head, everywhere, all my other symptoms.
My mother says it's the pressure, I go for skin test in a few weeks because my doctor says I'm allergic to dust mites and bad, to see what my other allergies.
Does anyone else get this? It nuisense superior particualary evil behind the ears and is, my head feels all blocked = /
Thank you. X.
Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms Constant Pressure In My Head? House Dust Mite Allergy?
12:45 AM
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