Any ideas for good review games for students? - math games for teachers
I am a first year teacher of mathematics in school. I have some fun ideas for games for review before the tests for use with my students. We played all kinds of games such as Jeopardy, basketball, including changes in the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. I like those games because the kids are very committed and enthusiastic when learning is fun to use. But I'm always looking for creative ideas to help my students. Are there any ideas you have to verify fun games for pupils?
Math Games For Teachers Any Ideas For Good Review Games For Students?
4:08 PM
I know you mentioned Jeopardy, but there are some sites that allow you to download a PowerPoint Jeopardy. If you have an Infocus in its class, the children are really into this type of testing. Some come from the PP with the sounds of danger and all!
I make something like a waterfall with my children in math, but the tests of skill. I have children is in line on their desks face. Saying that have 7 children and 7 children. I can do with the test is 10 problems per sheet. I make 7 pieces of stone. Technically it is a game of speed, it would be reasonable for a homogeneous class, where none of the slow processing speed of moving feels. The first person from each team receives a stack of 7 sheets. I set the timer for about 45 seconds. Depending on the worksheet. Click the stopwatch and the first person from each team starts with the first sheet to work. They are so many problems as they can then write "Waterfall" and enter the SheeT to the next person in line. You start on another, and so on and so forth. When the last person to finish the last page, so you yell "time", the team that wins the most correct answers. I give free homework is or something.
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